Vintage Star Wars

Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro

Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro
Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro
Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro

Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro    Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro

This is a Smith Lord Creations reproduction of the 1985 Kenner Star Wars Yak Face figure from the Power of the Force line.

Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro    Star Wars Smith Lord Creations Yak Face Custom Vintage Kenner Style Repro